DAHULU IA DI SANJUNG SEKARANG TERPINGGIR,KEADAAN KISAH MAZIDUL AKMAL SIDEK Isteri sedih wang simpanan dan wang EPFnya dah habis dan kini Mazidul tidak mampu bekerja lagi. Hanya.....

Mazidul Akmal Sidek Terbiar Sepi

Isteri sedih wang simpanan dan wang EPFnya dah habis dan kini Mazidul tidak mampu bekerja lagi. Hanya.....

Mazidul Akmal Sidek Terbiar Sepi

Berita ini dipetik melalui Facebook Syed Azmi, iaitu seorang sukarelawan yang kerap melawat mereka yang susah dan memerlukan.

Dalam ziarahnya baru-baru ini melawat Mazidul Akmal Sidek, iaitu bekas wartawan TV3 yang popular melalui rancangan 999, katanya Akmal yang diserang stroke sejak 2 tahun lalu bakal menjalani pembedahan kepala pada 25 Mei ini. 

Bagaimanapun katanya, Akmal yang kini bebas hutang setelah menghabiskan simpanan dan wang EPFnya tidak mampu bekerja lagi. Hanya isterinya sahaja yang masih bekerja dan banyak membantu keperluan mereka anak beranak. 

"As today, his speech is coherent and he can remember much better although it can be slow. He is not really able to walk but much much much better than before. If you ask me, he is well. 
"But he misses his friends. The good ones. Especially when he is going for another operation. 
"There are bad friends too. The one who calls him a bore for not being like before. The one who snide and says bad things. The ones who started to message him and say "Ingatkan dah mati." To these people, just keep shut and stay away. Just do that," ujar Syed Azmi tanpa berselindung melalui Facebooknya. 

Tanyanya kepada isteri Mazidul, dia tidak faham kenapa dunia suaminya dulu yang popular sebagai wartawan terkenal kini terbiar sepi. 
"I would like to say for the record TV3 helps his bill at first by giving loans and when he was opt for vss, he managed to pay his debt off as well. Legally, TV3 did everything by the book. Very good," tambahnya. 
Sumber & Foto: Syed Azmi FB


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